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Disclaimer & Copyright

Whilst every care is taken to ensure that the information provided is accurate, this information is provided throughout on a 'user beware' basis and we cannot be held liable for any errors. However, we will endeavour to correct any errors, or omissions, which are brought to our attention.

Most of the information on the website has been provided freely, by ourselves and the public at large, for the benefit of those interested in historic inland working boats. In these cases copyright remains with them, elsewhere it is ours. The addition of a 'watermark' on an image, does not necessarily imply ownership of that image by ourselves. Watermarking is employed solely to inhibit plagiarism and safeguard those who have freely provided material. We hope this will not reduce your enjoyment of these images.

Please feel free to email to the webmaster - link on menu frame on left of screen - in the event of any queries. Please preface the subject line with the letters 'HIWB' to assist in separating your message from spam!