Site NewsWelcome to Historic Working Boats on-line! I hope that the information will grow and that the site will become a useful resource to Visitors. Anyone is invited to contribute. This can be virtually anything that you consider informative, entertaining or just plain interesting. It can consist of the written word or photographs or, in the future, video or sound. Just supply the content and we will produce the pages for you. All material will be credited to the author. If interested contact the webmaster - link on menu on left - with your outline design. Alternatively, if you already have a relevant website, we can add a link directly from our links page.
Site Change Log...
- Jan/Feb 2020 Completion of FMC & GUCCC fleet lists in basic form. Many more photos and boat details added to both narrow boat fleet lists and barges. Various other file updates.
- -8-15 Lots more photos (~100) added in all catgories, improved layout of barge fleet lists and all current corrections and comments added. Contributors list extended on barge pages. Services page updated with some additions/deletions. 'Mystery' page - new additions & updates.
- -2-12 more photos added, more craft ID updates and barge pages divided into regional sections
- -9-11 corrected and added to some barge captions. Added new items on 'links' page
- -8-11 added more photos to barge list page
- 22-2-11 added 1970s barge lists to barge section and did more caption changes and minor additions to narrow boats
- 2010 lots of updates including links and captions plus a few more photos
- October 09, several updates and start of proper development
- 6th May 09, some minor corrections and additions
- Apr 09 - site development and updating of links, colour scheme etc
- Mar 09 - It all starts - using my personal material and layout from other websites and elsewhere. Some new scans of old photos.